PSA Submissions 2023-2024

The Lake County Camera Club submits images to the Photographic Society of America (PSA) on behalf of our members for the interclub competition. Our club participates in four interclub competitions. Below are the images chosen by the four PSA Committees for submittal. A club per division per competition can submit only six images.

The Competiton categories are Nature, Projected Image, Photo Journalism and Travel
MakerImage TitleImageSubmittedCompetition Category
Anthony RomaOKC MemorialAnthony Roma OKC MemorialRound 1, Score 9Travel
Carl StinemanRosey at SunsetCarl Stineman Rosey at Sunset by Carl StinemanRound 1, Score 4Travel
Gary EdwardsBattles Remembered at the Palo AltoGary Edwards Battles Rememberd at the Palo Alto Historic BattlefieldRound 1, Score 5Travel
Linds KruzicKyoto TempleLinda Kruzic Kyoto TempleRound 1, Score 8Travel
Mike TrahanPapa Nui DawnRound 1, Score 10Travel
Bob KruzicAlong the SeineBob Kruzic Along The SeineRound 1, Score 8Travel
Anthony RomaBull SnakeAnthony Roma Bull SnakeRound 1, Score 8PID Color
Gary EdwardsThink Something is WrongGary Edwards I Think Something Is MissingRound 1, Score 9PID Color
Linds KruzicVersailles ChapelLinda Kruzic Versailles ChapelRound 1, Score 7PID Color
Mike TrahanTeach Your Children WellRound 1, Score 9PID Color
Bob KruzicThe RendezvousBob Kruzic The RendezvousRound 1, Score 15 MeritPID Color
Ron SheadeDays Gone ByRound 1, Score 8PID Color
Anthony RomaWaiting for the BattleAnthony Roma Waiting for the BattleRound 1, Score 8PID Mono
Gary EdwardsFairtale DragonflyRound 1, Score 6PID Mono
Mike TrahanMandrillingMike Trahan MandrillingRound 1, Score 9PID Mono
Bob KruzicParisian Street LightsBob Kruzic Parisian StreetlightsRound 1, Score 7PID Mono
Ron SheadeSarahRound 1, Score 7PID Mono
Susan BaronLincoln During the Civil WarSue Baron Lincoln During the Civil WarRound 1, Score 6PID Mono
Gary EdwardsEnd of a Long DayRound 1, Score 5PJ not interactive unusual or emotional
John RousePunching HolesRound 1, Score 6PJ
Mike TrahanCrazy Polar PlungeMike Trahan Crazy Polar PlungeRound 1, Score 8PJ
Bob KruzicTraining a Lipizzan StallionBob Kruzic Training A Lipanzzan StallionRound 1, Score 10PJ
Sheri SparksThe PainterSheri Sparks The PainterRound 1, Score 6PJ
Anthony RomaWile EAnthony Roma Wile ERound 1, Score 10Nature
Gary EdwardsStorm Clouds Over the Bali CoastRound 1, Score 8Nature
Karolyn BerkielHumpback Whale Rising from the OceanKarolyn Berkiel Humpback whale rising from the ocean 8Round 1, Score 13 HMNature
Kate ScottInquisitive KitsRound 1, Score 10Nature
Bob KruzicFattened Up for the WinterRound 1, Score 9Nature
Susan BaronFeeding TimeSue Baron Feeding TimeRound 1, Score 9Nature
Anthony RomaBond FallsAnthony Roma Bond FallsRound 2, Score 9Nature
Gary EdwardsBalancing ActGary Edwards Balancing ActRound 2, Score 8Nature
Karolyn BerkielYound Grizzly with Prize FishKarolyn Berkiel Young Grizzly with Prize Fish5A8861 Edit 4DN no borderRound 2, Score 13 HMNature
Kate ScottPortrait of an EgretKate Scott Portrait of an EgretRound 2, Score 9Nature
Mike TrahanMud Glorious MudMike Trahan Mud Glorious Mud 2Round 2, Score 10Nature
Bob KruzicMy Little Yellow FriendBob Kruzic My Little Yellow FriendRound 2, Score 9Nature
Anthony RomaWichita FallsAnthony Roma Witchita Falls FallsRound 2, Score 7Travel
Gary EdwardsVirginia Ghost TownGary Edwards Virginia Ghost TownRound 2, Score 7Travel
Jim RossGuardian of the CliffsJim Ross Guardian of the CliffsRound 2, Score 5Travel
Mike TrahanNordic WayRound 2, Score 8Travel
Sheri SparksMission Nombre de Dios St AugustineSheri Sparks Mission Nombre de Dios St AugustineRound 2, Score 8Travel
Susan BaronHidden Lake, Glacier NPSue Baron Hidden Lake Glacier NPRound 2, Score 9Travel
Bob KruzicAlone in a Big CityBob Kruzic Alone in a Big CityRound 2, Score 7PJ
Gary Edwards3's a CrowdGary Edwards 3s A CrowdRound 2, Score 7PJ
John RouseAsphalt RemovalRound 2, Score 7PJ
Mike TrahanHee HawMike Trahan Hee HawRound 2, Score 8PJ
Sheri SparksBoston Street PerformersSheri Sparks Boton Street PerformersRound 2, Score 6
Anthony RomaSturgeon Bay BridgeAnthony Roma Sturgeon Bay BridgePID Color
Bob KruzicInside the OperaBob Kruzic Inside the OperaPID Color
Ron SheadeComing Home with DinnerPID Color
Gary EdwardsEl Piasano Hotel Sitting RoomGary Edwards El Piasano Hotel Sitting RoomPID Color
Linds KruzicOn GuardLinda Kruzic On GuardPID Color
Mike TrahanLooking for a Drop of WaterMike Trahan Looking For a Drop of WaterPID Color
Anthony RomaInside the BottleAnthony Roma Inside the BottlePID Mono
Bob KruzicThe Kings ClockBob Kruzic The Kings ClockPID Mono
Gary EdwardsTombstone CowboyGary Edwards Tombstone CowboyPID Mono
Linda KruzicChicago on a Cloudy DayLinda Kruzic Chicago On A Cloudy DayPID Mono
Mike TrahanMud Glorious MudMike Trahan Mud Glorious Mud 2PID Mono
Ron SheadeSunset SailPID Mono
Carl StinemanSchooners at Anchor in Pulpit HarborRound 3, Score 6Travel
Gary EdwardsEntering Santa Elena Canyon on Rio GRound 3, Score 6Travel
Linda KruzicThe Tsars PalaceLinda Kruzic The Tsars PalaceRound 3, Score 11 HMTravel
Mike TrahanHiking in NamibiaRound 3, Score 10Travel
Robert KruzicA French TroubadorRound 3, Score 8Travel
Sue MatsunagaCliff Home on the RhineSue Matsunaga Cliff home on the RhineRound 3, Score 13 HMTravel
Bob KruzicVenice Mask StandRound 3, Score 8PJ
Gary EdwardsCatching the MarineRound 3, Score 9PJ
Carl StinemanOn the UpbeatRound 3, Score 6Nature
Gary EdwardsPoetry in MotionRound 3, Score 6Nature
Karolyn BerkielWhale Skimming the SurfaceRound 3, Score 8Nature
Kate ScottPink Flamingo PreeningRound 3, Score 8Nature
Liz Rose FisherGreen Heron FamilyLiz Rose FisherGreen Heron FamilyRound 3, Score 12 MeritNature
Susan BaronCalm Down Kids!Round 3, Score 8Nature