Inter-Club Competition Honors 2020-2021

The Lake County Camera Club (LCCC) holds Competitions four months during our September to August Season.

And our club participates in the Chicago Area Camera Club (CACCA) Interclub competitions. This Gallery covers those competitions.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The honors are Best of Show (BOS), Award (AW) Color image of the month(CIOM) Image of the month(IOM) and Hoorable Mention (HM)
MakerImage TitleImageMonthCategoryPointsBase AwardSpecial AwardCACCA> MonthCategoryPointsBase AwardSpecial Award
Alina KolesnikSummerAlina KolesnikSummerOctCOLOR DPI22HMCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI21
Anthony RomaWingless In MilwaukeeAnthony RomaWingless in MilwaukeeOctCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI24
Anthony RomaGet Off My SeatAnthony RomaGet off of my SeatDecCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>JanCOLOR DPI21
Anthony RomaRough Waters At St. JosephAnthony RomaRough Waters at St JosephFebMONO DPI24HMCACCA>FebMONO DPI22
Anthony RomaRoad Through The ValleyFebMONO DPI24CACCA>MarMONO DPI23HM
Anthony RomaGalveston SunriseAnthony RomaGalveston SunriseAprCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI24
Anthony RomaFrozen FallsAnthony RomaFrozen FallsAprMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>AprMONO DPI22
Bob KruzicScarlet SplashBob KruzicScarlet SplashOctCOLOR DPI25AwardCIOMCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI27Award
Bob KruzicNotre Dame Before The FireBob KruzicNotre Dame Before the FireDecMONO DPI25AwardCACCA>DecMONO DPI23
Bob KruzicChristmas in the CityBob KruzicChristmas in the CityFebCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>FebCOLOR DPI24
Bob KruzicA Tale of Two CafesBob KruzicA Tale of Two CafesAprCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>MayCOLOR DPI21
Bob LinFishingBob LinFishingAprMONO DPI23HMCACCA>AprMONO DPI23HM
Bob LinBuild A Love Nest TogetherAprMONO DPI20CACCA>MayMONO DPI21
Carl StinemanWorking For PeanutsCarl Stineman Working for peanutsFebCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>FebCOLOR DPI24HM
Chris WashburnWindsweptChristopher WashburnWind SweptAprCOLOR DPI23HMCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI23
Jim RossSpinning By Window LightJim Ross Spinning by WindowlightDecCOLOR DPI25HMCACCA>JanCOLOR DPI23
Jim RossTwo Chocolate One VanillaJim RossTwo Chocolate One Vanilla Hm Cacca April 2021AprMONO DPI23HMCACCA>MayMONO DPI22
Joe KosirowskiPrecarious PoseJoe KosirowskiPrecarious PoseOctCOLOR DPI22HMCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI23
Joe KosirowskiNeedles At Warp SpeedJoe KosirowskiNeedles at Warp SpeedOctMONO DPI23AwardCACCA>NovMONO DPI21
John WilliamsEllwood FoyerJohn WilliamsEllwood FoyerOctMONO DPI23HMCACCA>OctMONO DPI24
John WilliamsRiverwalk ReflectionsJohn WilliamsRiverwalk ReflectionsDecCOLOR DPI26AwardCIOMCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI21
John WilliamsAwaiting The ReopeningJohn Williams Awaiting the ReopeningFebCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>MarCOLOR DPI23
Joseph RosenbergAutumn SunflowersJoseph RosenbergAutumn SunflowersDecCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI23Award
Karen GallwitzStairwayKaren Gallwitz StairwayDecMONO DPI24HMCACCA>DecMONO DPI21
Karen GallwitzAtkaKaren GallwitzAtkaFebCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>MarCOLOR DPI23
Karolyn BerkielGrizzlyKarolyn BerkielGrizzlyOctMONO DPI23HMCACCA>OctMONO DPI24HM
Karolyn BerkielGreat Gray Owl PortraitKarolyn BerkielGreat Grey Owl PortraitOctCOLOR DPI23AwardCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI23
Karolyn BerkielEagle StaredownKarolyn BerkielEagle StaredownOctCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI23
Karolyn BerkielSnowy Owl On Winter PerchKarolyn BerkielSnowy Owl on Winter PerchDecCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI22
Karolyn BerkielEastern Screech Owl in Tree CavityKarolyn BerkielEastern Screech Owl in Tree CavityDecMONO DPI22CACCA>DecMONO DPI23Award
Karolyn BerkielFox Kit Chillin'Karolyn BerkielFox Kit ChillinDecCOLOR DPI23CACCA>JanCOLOR DPI23HM
Karolyn BerkielGrizzly ClammingKarolyn BerkielGrizzly ClammingFebCOLOR DPI25HMCACCA>FebCOLOR DPI24Award
Karolyn BerkielEagle SoarKarolyn BerkielEagle SoarFebMONO DPI25HMCACCA>FebMONO DPI23Award
Karolyn BerkielEagle ScreamKarolyn BerkielEagle ScreamFebCOLOR DPI23AwardCACCA>MarCOLOR DPI24Award
Karolyn BerkielYoung Grizzly PoseKarolyn BerkielYoung Grizzly PoseFebMONO DPI23AwardCACCA>MarMONO DPI23HM
Karolyn BerkielLunge Feeding Humpback WhaleKarolyn BerkielLunge Feeding Humpback WhaleAprCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI24Award
Karolyn BerkielNorthern Saw Whet PortraitKarolyn BerkielNorthern Saw Whet PortraitAprCOLOR DPI23HMCACCA>MayCOLOR DPI23Award
Karolyn BerkielLong Ear Owl PortraitKarolyn BerkielLong Ear Owl PortraitAprMONO DPI21CACCA>MayMONO DPI23Award
Kate ScottFamily OutingKate ScottFamily OutingOctCOLOR DPI23HMCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI22
Kate ScottIntense WorkKate ScottIntense WorkDecMONO DPI24HMCACCA>DecMONO DPI23HM
Kate ScottLoon on the LakeKate ScottLoon on the LakeAprCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI24Award
Kimberly ShadduckThe Falls ColorsKimberly ShadduckThe Falls ColorsDecCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>JanCOLOR DPI23
Kimberly ShadduckSun Beams Over The FallsKimberly ShadduckSun Beams over the FallsDecMONO DPI24HMCACCA>JanMONO DPI21
Linda KruzicHall of Gothic ArchesLinda KruzicHall of Gothic ArchesOctMONO DPI23HMCACCA>OctMONO DPI24
Linda KruzicThe PulpitLinda KruzicThe PulpitOctCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI22
Linda KruzicThe Palace HotelLinda KruzicThe Palace HotelDecMONO DPI23CACCA>JanMONO DPI25AwardIOM
Linda KruzicHall of MosaicsLinda KruzicHall of MosaicsFebMONO DPI24HMCACCA>MarMONO DPI23
Linda KruzicParisian FountainLinda KruzicParisian FountainAprCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI24
Linda KruzicDusk on the RiverLinda KruzicDusk on the RiverAprCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>MayCOLOR DPI23
Linda KruzicMonumental SplendorLinda KruzicMonumental SplendorAprMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>MayMONO DPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherSong From The HeartLiz Rose FisherSong from the HeartOctMONO DPI24AwardCIOMCACCA>OctMONO DPI24
Liz Rose FisherMidday SnackLiz Rose FisherMidday SnackOctCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI24
Liz Rose FisherA Powerful StoryLiz Rose FisherA Powerful StoryOctMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>NovMONO DPI24HM
Liz Rose FisherMohawk ManLiz Rose FisherMohawk ManOctCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherWedding DayLiz Rose FisherWedding DayDecMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>DecMONO DPI25Award
Liz Rose FisherWood DuckLiz Rose FisherWood DuckDecCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI24HM
Liz Rose FisherDeterminationLiz Rose FisherDeterminationFebMONO DPI25AwardCACCA>FebMONO DPI24HM
Liz Rose FisherGreen HeronLiz Rose Fisher Green HeronFebCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>MarCOLOR DPI23
Liz Rose FisherJillianLiz Rose Fisher JillianFebMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>MarMONO DPI22
Liz Rose FisherRuby Throated HummingbirdLiz Rose FisherRuby Throated HumminbirdAprCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI25HM
Liz Rose FisherBoxer ScreamLiz Rose FisherBoxer ScreamAprMONO DPI25AwardCIOMCACCA>AprMONO DPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherCatch of the DayLiz Rose FisherCatch of the DayAprCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>MayCOLOR DPI23
Liz Rose FisherJuliaLiz Rose FisherJuliaAprMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>MayMONO DPI23
Marlene PietranekStrasborgMarlene PietranekStrasborgOctMONO DPI20CACCA>OctMONO DPI24HM
Marlene PietranekStreet ArtMarlene PietranekChicago Street ArtDecCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI21
Marlene PietranekPlaying MarblesMarlene PietranekPlaying MarblesDecMONO DPI23HMCACCA>DecMONO DPI21
Marlene PietranekDublin RiverAprMONO DPI22HMCACCA>AprMONO DPI21
Mike BurgquistUp Up and AwayMike BurgquistUp Up and AwayOctCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI23
Mike KukulskiKauffman Center For The Performing ArtsMike KukulskiKauffman Center for Performing ArtsOctMONO DPI23AwardCACCA>NovMONO DPI23
Mike KukulskiSunset On Rt. 71 FarmMike KukulskiSunset on Route 71 FarmDecMONO DPI24HMCACCA>JanMONO DPI24HM
Mike KukulskiSunset DepartureMike KukulskiSunset DepartureFebMONO DPI24AwardCIOMCACCA>FebMONO DPI23
Mike KukulskiJane Gets A GlimpseMike KukulskiJanes Gets a GlimpseAprMONO DPI23HMCACCA>MayMONO DPI22
Mike TrahanSpring Coming To DuluthMike TrahanSpringtime Coming to Duluth MiOctMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>NovMONO DPI19
Ron SheadeDeep In ThoughtRonald R SheadeDeep In ThoughtOctMONO DPI24HMCACCA>OctMONO DPI24
Sheri SparksTogethernessSheri SparksTogethernessOctCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI23
Sheri SparksCosmos DesignSheri SparksCosmos DesignOctCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>NovCOLOR DPI23
Sheri SparksWhite LotusSheri SparksWhite LotusFebMONO DPI24HMCACCA>FebMONO DPI25Award
Sheri SparksThe Great Chicago Night SkylineSheri SparksThe Great Chicago Night SkylineAprMONO DPI23HMCACCA>AprMONO DPI22
Sheri SparksYellow Water LilliesSheri SparksYellow Water LiliesAprCOLOR DPI26AwardCIOMCACCA>MayCOLOR DPI23
Sue MatsunagaMother and ChildSue MatsunagaMother and ChildOctMONO DPI23AwardCACCA>NovMONO DPI22
Sue MatsunagaApril ShowersSue MatsunagaApril ShowersDecCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI22
Sue MatsunagaCaptured DewSue MatsunagaCaptured DewDecCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>JanCOLOR DPI23
Sue MatsunagaThe StandoutSue MatsunagaThe StandoutDecMONO DPI24HMCACCA>JanMONO DPI23
Sue MatsunagaCoopers HawkSue MatsunagaCoopers HawkFebCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>MarMONO DPI25Award
Sue MatsunagaA Fine Fall DaySue MatsunagaA Fine Fall DayAprCOLOR DPI24AwardCACCA>AprCOLOR DPI24
Sue MatsunagaRiver TrafficSue MatsunagaRiver TrafficOctMONO DPI23HMCACCA>Nov
Tim ElliottGlorious SunsetTim ElliottGlorious SunsetDecCOLOR DPI25AwardCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI24HM
Tim ElliottEnjoying The PantheonTim Elliott Enjoying the PantheonDecMONO DPI25AwardCIOMCACCA>DecMONO DPI23
Tim ElliottGetting The ShotTim ElliottGetting the ShotFebCOLOR DPI26AwardCIOMCACCA>FebCOLOR DPI23
Tim ElliottAnother Day on the Cliff SideTim Elliott Another Day on the Cliff SideFebMONO DPI24CACCA>MarMONO DPI24Award
Tim ElliottLittle Church on the LakeTim ElliottLittle Church on the LakeAprMONO DPI24HMCACCA>AprMONO DPI23
Tom BrandtStanding PrettyTom BrandtStanding PrettyOctCOLOR DPI22HMCACCA>OctCOLOR DPI22
Tom BrandtLet's DiveTom BrandtLets DiveOctMONO DPI22HMCACCA>NovMONO DPI19
Tom BrandtThinking of YouTom BrandtThinking of YouDecCOLOR DPI24HMCACCA>DecCOLOR DPI24HM
Tom BrandtWalk in the ParkTom BrandtWalk in the ParkDecMONO DPI25AwardCACCA>DecMONO DPI23HM
Tom BrandtPied Billed GrebeFebCOLOR DPI21CACCA>FebCOLOR DPI24HM
Tom BrandtEleganceTom Brandt EleganceFebMONO DPI24AwardCACCA>FebMONO DPI23Award
Tom BrandtMorning RegimenAprMONO DPI21CACCA>MayMONO DPI21Award