Inter-Club Competition Honors 2019-2020

The Lake County Camera Club (LCCC) holds Competitions four months during our September to August Season.

And our club participates in the Chicago Area Camera Club (CACCA) Interclub competitions. This Gallery covers those competitions.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The honors are Best of Show (BOS), Award (AW) Color image of the month(CIOM) Image of the month(IOM) and Hoorable Mention (HM)
MakerImage TitleImageComp MonthCategoryPointsBase AwardSpecial AwardCACCA >Comp MonthCategoryPointsBase Award
Art HughesRanch GateArt HughesRanch GateDecDPI23HMCACCA >DecDPI23
Bill SullivanPurple Reigns Over The Ghost ShipBill SullivanPurple Reigns over the Ghost ShipOctLarge Color25HMCACCA >OctLarge Color21
Bill SullivanNothing's Going To Stop Me NowBill SullivanNothings Going to Stop Me NowOctLarge Monochrome25AwardCACCA >OctLarge Monochrome26Award
Bill SullivanDiabolus Enim CentralisBill SullivanDiabolus Enim CentralisOctLarge Monochrome26AwardIOMCACCA >NovLarge Monochrome24HM
Bill SullivanTurbulenceBill SullivanTurbulenceDecLarge Monochrome22CACCA >DecLarge Monochrome25Award
Bill SullivanBig Boy 4014 Heading SouthBill SullivanBig Boy 4014 Heading SouthDecLarge Monochrome23HMCACCA >JanLarge Monochrome23
Bill SullivanNight ReflectionsBill SullivanNight ReflectionFebLarge Color24HMCACCA >FebLarge Color23
Bill SullivanFocusBill SullivanFocusFebLarge Monochrome24AwardIOMCACCA >FebLarge Monochrome22
Bill SullivanPatriotoc Milwaukee RiverBill SullivanPatriotic Milwaukee RiverFebLarge Color24HMCACCA >
Bill SullivanNight River CruiseBill SullivanNight River CruiseFebLarge Monochrome24HMCACCA >
Bob KruzicThe Golden Age of BridgesBob KruzicThe Golden Age of BridgesOctLarge Color27AwardCACCA >OctLarge Color24Award
Bob KruzicDusk at the PalaceBob KruzicDusk at the PalaceOctSmall Monochrome25AwardIOMCACCA >OctSmall Monochrome24HM
Bob KruzicThe Royal Music RoomBob KruzicThe Royal Msic RoomDecLarge Color24HMCACCA >DecLarge Color24HM
Bob KruzicGothic InspirationBob KruzicGothic InspirationDecSmall Color24HMCACCA >DecSmall Color23
Bob KruzicA Light in the Palace CourtyardBob KruzicA Light in the Palace CourtyardDecLarge Color25HMCACCA >JanLarge Color24Award
Bob KruzicTwilight in the CityBob KruzicTwilight in the CityFebLarge Color25AwardIOMCACCA >FebLarge Color22
Bob KruzicParty Lights on the LakeBob KruzicParty Lights on the LakeFebSmall Color24HMCACCA >FebSmall Color23
Bob LinChaseBob LinChaseDecDPI24HMCACCA >DecDPI21
Bob LinAttentionBob LinAttentionDecDPI24AwardCACCA >DecDPI22
Christopher WashburnDaydreamingChristopher WashburnDay DreamingDecDPI23HMCACCA >DecDPI23Award
Dwight JohnsonChurches and Chocolate TourDwight JohnsonChurches and ChocolateOctDPI22CACCA >JanDPI23Award
Egon ScheinMile ZeroEgon ScheinMile 0OctLarge Color25HMCACCA >OctLarge Color22
Eric WedellAfrican Gray Crowned CraneEric WedellAfrican CraneDecSmall Color24HMCACCA >DecSmall Color21
Gary EdwardsWhy Can't I Fit In?Gary EdwardsWhy Cant I Blend inDecDPI23HMCACCA >DecDPI22
Gary EdwardsA Pensive MomentGary EdwardsA Pensive MomentDecLarge Color25AwardCACCA >DecLarge Color22
Gary EdwardsArgentine Tegu LizardGary EdwardsSouth American Tegu LizardDecSmall Monochrome25AwardIOMCACCA >DecSmall Monochrome23
Jim RossTeaselsJim RossTeaselsOctSmall Color25HMCACCA >NovSmall Color23
John WilliamsBroken ArchJohn WilliamsBroken ArchOctSmall Color25AwardIOMCACCA >OctSmall Color25Award
John WilliamsChicago El CurveJohn WilliamsChicago L CurveOctLarge Color27AwardIOMCACCA >NovLarge Color24Award
John WilliamsUnder Wisconsin Capitol DomeJohn WilliamsUnder Wisconsin Capitol DomeFebLarge Monochrome23CACCA >FebLarge Monochrome24HM
John WilliamsPilsen CTA StairsJohn WilliamsPilsen Cta StairsFebLarge Color24HMCACCA >
Karen GallwitzLady By The PondKaren GallwitzLady by the PondDecDPI24AwardCACCA >DecDPI24HM
Karen GallwitzDark Side of AnticipationKaren GallwitzDark Side of AnticipationFebDPI24AwardCACCA >FebDPI25Award
Karen GallwitzWhite HatKaren GallwitzWhite HatFebDPI23HMCACCA >
Kate ScottAmur TigerKate ScottAmur TigerDecSmall Color22CACCA >FebSmall Color24Award
Kate ScottPerched PrimateKate ScottPerched PrimateFebSmall Color23CACCA >FebSmall Color24Award
Linda KruzicVictorian CurvesLinda KruzicVictorian CurvesOctLarge Monochrome25HMCACCA >OctLarge Monochrome24Award
Linda KruzicCobblestone PassageLinda KruzicCobblestone CourtyardOctSmall Monochrome24HMCACCA >OctSmall Monochrome23Award
Linda KruzicAscending In StyleLinda KruzicAscending in StyleDecLarge Monochrome24HMCACCA >DecLarge Monochrome23
Linda KruzicStaircase of SplendorLinda KruzicStaircase of SplendorFebLarge Monochrome25HMCACCA >FebLarge Monochrome24Award
Liz Rose FisherOut From The ShadowsLiz Rose FisherOut from the ShadowsOctSmall Monochrome24CACCA >OctSmall Color23Award
Liz Rose FisherPrecarious PredicimentLiz Rose FisherPrecarious PredicamentDecDPI24AwardIOMCACCA >DecDPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherThe AlchemistLiz Rose FisherThe AlchemistDecDPI23CACCA >DecDPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherCharles KeithLiz Rose FisherCharles KeithDecSmall Color23AwardCACCA >DecSmall Color24Award
Liz Rose FisherShadow DancerLiz Rose FisherShadow Dancer 1FebDPI22CACCA >FebDPI24Award
Liz Rose FisherThe AlechemistLiz Rose FisherThe Alchemist 1FebSmall Color25AwardIOMCACCA >FebSmall Color24HM
Liz Rose FisherThe Private EyeLiz Rose FisherThe Private EyeFebSmall Monochrome24HMCACCA >FebSmall Monochrome24Award
Mike BurgquistCathedral PipesMike BurgquistCathedral PipesDecSmall Monochrome24HMCACCA >JanSmall Monochrome23
Mike KukulskiHolland Lake MontanaMike KukulskiHolland Lake MontanaOctLarge Monochrome26AwardCACCA >OctLarge Monochrome24HM
Mike KukulskiChicago On IceMike KukulskiChicago on IceDecLarge Color25AwardIOMCACCA >DecLarge Color25Award
Mike KukulskiLake Michigan Winter FuryMike KukulskiLake Michigan Winter FuryDecLarge Monochrome25AwardIOMCACCA >JanLarge Monochrome23
Mike KukulskiSimnasho Church, Warm Springs, OregonMike KukulskiSimnasho Church Warm Springs OregonDecSmall Monochrome24HMCACCA >JanSmall Monochrome22
Mike KukulskiShooting Star Under Dark SkiesMike KukulskiShooting Star Under Dark SkiesFebSmall Monochrome25AwardIOMCACCA >FebSmall Monochrome23
Mike TrahanUnabashed SplendorMike TrahanUnabashed SplendorOctSmall Color24HMCACCA >NovSmall Color23
Sheri SparksWild DahliaSheri SparksWild DahliaOctDPI22CACCA >JanDPI23Award
Sheri SparksTwinsSheri SparksTwinsFebDPI24AwardIOMCACCA >FebDPI24Award
Sheri SparksIce For SaleSheri SparksIce for SaleFebSmall Monochrome24HMCACCA >
Sue BaronView From the Third FloorSue BaronView from the Third FloorOctLarge Color26HMCACCA >OctLarge Color24HM
Sue BaronPittsburg by the Monongahela RiverSue BaronPittsburgh by the Monongahela RiverOctLarge Monochrome25HMCACCA >OctLarge Monochrome22
Sue BaronLooking Up``Sue BaronLooking UpOctSmall Color24HMCACCA >NovSmall Color24HM
Sue BaronBarred OwlSue BaronBarred OwlDecSmall Color24HMCACCA >DecSmall Color24HM
Sue MatsunagaA Pair of Leadwort FlowersSue MatsunagaA Pair of Leadwort FlowersDecDPI24HMCACCA >DecDPI24HM
Sue MatsunagaDawn at the RockSue MatsunagaDawn at the RockDecDPI24HMCACCA >DecDPI23Award
Sue MatsunagaWinter VisitorSue MatsunagaWinter VisitorFebDPI23CACCA >FebDPI24Award
Sue MatsunagaMale HummingbirdSue MatsunagaMale HummingbirdFebSmall Color26HMCACCA >
Tim ElliottWater LilliesTim ElliottWater LilliesOctLarge Color26AwardCACCA >OctLarge Color22
Tim ElliottThe Three SistersTim ElliottThe Three SistersOctSmall Color24AwardCACCA >OctSmall Color24HM
Tim ElliottSicilian Wine CellarTim ElliottSicilian Wine CellarOctSmall Monochrome25HMCACCA >OctSmall Monochrome23Award
Tim ElliottI Loved Her FirstOctSmall Color23CACCA >NovSmall Color23Award
Tim ElliottThe Alchemist PreparingTim ElliottThe Alchemist PreparingDecSmall Color24AwardIOMCACCA >DecSmall Color24
Tim ElliottThe Alchemist ConsideringTim ElliottThe Alchemist ConsideringDecSmall Color23CACCA >JanSmall Color23Award
Tim ElliottThe Mary D. Humes RestsTim ElliottMary D Hume RestingFebLarge Color24AwardCACCA >FebLarge Color24HM
Tim ElliottThe Lighthouse of CoqvilleTim ElliottCoquille Lighthouse SunriseFebSmall Color24AwardCACCA >FebSmall Color25Award
Tim ElliottTranquil East Fork FallsTim ElliottLower East Fork FallsFebSmall Color23HMCACCA >
Tom BrandtOn Your MarkTom BrandtOn Your MarkDecDPI24HMCACCA >DecDPI22
Tom BrandtThe Path Less TraveledTom BrandtThe Path Less TraveledDecDPI24AwardCACCA >DecDPI25HM
Tom BrandtStanding In The ShadowsTom BrandtStanding in the ShadowsFebSmall Color23HMCACCA >FebSmall Color24HM