CACCA Individual Competition Honors 2023-2024

The Lake County Camera Club (LCCC) holds Competitions four months during our September to August Season.

And our club participates in the Chicago Area Camera Club (CACCA) individual competitions. This Gallery covers those competitions.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The honors are Special Themes, Portrait, Nature, Journalism, and Creative
MakerTitleImagePTSAwardMonthCategorySpecial Award
Bob KruzicTraining a LipizzanBob KruzicTraining A Lipinzzan24.5AWOctPJEnd of Year HM
Sue MatsunagaTrue GritSue MatsunagaTrue Grit24.5HMOctPJ
Don ChenThrough the Lava FieldDon ChenThrough The Lava Field24AWOctNature
Kate ScottInquisitive KitsKate Scott Inquisitive Kits 124.5AWOctNature
Michael SchmittProthonotary Warbler Web RaiderMichael SchmittProthonotary warbler web raider25AWOctNature
Michael SchmittDragonflyMichael SchmittDragonfly25HMOctNature
Mike TrahanOver the RiverMichael TrahanOver the River22HMOctSpecial Theme
Mike TrahanEiffel Tower, the Moon and FireworksMichael TrahanEiffel Tower the Moon and Fireworks23.6AWOctSpecial Theme
Sue MatsunagaSummer in the CitySue MatsunagaSummer in the City22.4AWOctSpecial Theme
Sue MatsunagaStillness in BlueSue MatsunagaStillness in Blue22.2HMNovSpecial Theme
Sheri SparksBluejay PairSheri SparksBluejay Pair22.3HMNovSpecial Theme
Sheri SparksSpiderwortSheri SparksSpiderwort22.5HMNovSpecial Theme
Sue MatsunagaLet Me Try TheseSue MatsunagaLet Me Try These23.5AWNovPortraitEnd of Year HM
Tom BrandtFloating AngelTom BrandtFloating Angel25.5BOSNovPortrait
Sue MatsunagaFlight of the ButterflySue MatsunagaFlight of the Butterfly23.5HMNovCreative
Sue MatsunagaSmiley FacesSue MatsunagaSmiley Faces24AWNovCreative
Liz Rose FisherGotcha!Liz Rose FisherGotcha 224.5HMDecNature
Karolyn BerkielBrotherly Love!Karolyn BerkielBrotherly Love24.5AWDecNature
Liz Rose FisherFeeding TimeLiz Rose FisherFeeding Time25.5AWDecNature
Tom BrandtGreater Yellowlegs on the HuntTom BrandtGreater Yellowlegs on the hunt23HMDecNature
Kate ScottGreat Egret PreeningKate ScottGreat Egret Preening22.5AWDecNature
Sue MatsunagaOne Legged StanceSue MatsunagaOne Legged Stance22.5AWDecNature
Tom BrandtRed-breasted Merganser Looking FreshTom BrandtRed breasted Merganser Looking Fresh22.5AWDecNature
Tom BrandtFighting for the puckTom BrandtFighting for the puck24AWDecPJ
Gary EdwardsAlone at SeaGary EdwardsAlone at Sea21.2HMDecSpecial Theme Alone
Sue MatsunagaSunrays on SailboatSue MatsunagaSunrays on Sailboat21.6HMDecSpecial Theme Alone
Sue MatsunagaGondolier GlidingSue MatsunagaGondolier Gliding22.7BOSDecSpecial Theme Alone
Bob KruzicAn Old Fashioned ChristmasBob KruzicAn Old Fashioned Christmas21.3HMJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Bob KruzicThe Stockings Are HungBob KruzicThe Stockings Are Hung21.5HMJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Sue BaronVictorian ChristmasSue BaronVictorian Christmas21.4HMJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Sue MatsunagaGarden ChristmasSue MatsunagaGarden Christmas21.5HMJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Tom BrandtTis the Season of the GrinchTom BrandtTis the Season of the Grinch21.5HMJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Bob KruzicThe Night Before ChristmasBob KruzicThe Night Before Christmas21.6AWJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Tim ElliottMerry ChristmasTim ElliottMerry Christmas21.9AWJanSpecial Theme Christmas
Liz Rose FisherUnderwater World
Liz Rose FisherUnderwater World


Tom BrandtFading AwayTom BrandtFading Away24.5HMJanCreative
Sue MatsunagaGentle BeautySue MatsunagaGentle Beauty24HMJanPortrait
Liz Rose FisherA Salty DogLiz Rose FisherA Salty Dog24.5AWJanPortrait
Liz Rose FisherHillaryLiz Rose FisherHillary23.5AWJanPortrait
Sue MatsunagaMonroeSue MatsunagaMonroe 123.5AWJanPortrait
Michael SchmittMustang'sMichael SchmittMustangs23HMFebPJ
Tom BrandtBadger Honor FlightTom BrandtBadger Honor Flight23HMFebPJ
Tom BrandtNo Goal TodayTom BrandtNo Goal Today24BOSFebPJ
Karolyn BerkielWhale skimming across the surfaceKarolyn BerkielWhale skimming across the surface24.5HMFebNature
Liz Rose FisherBroad-billed HummingbirdLiz Rose FisherBroad billed Hummingbird24.5AWFebNature
Sue MatsunagaBluebird Early SpringSue MatsunagaBluebird Early Spring24AWFebNature
Sue MatsunagaEuropean Finch GathersSue MatsunagaEuropean Finch Gathers25AWFebNature
Tim ElliottBusy storing AcornsTim ElliottBusy storing Acorns24AWFebNature
Tim ElliottRivoli's HummingbirdTim ElliottRivolis Hummingbird24.5AWFebNature
Sheri SparksStanding Out in the CrowdSheri SparksStanding Out in the Crowd22HMFebSpecial Themes A Touch of Color
Sue MatsunagaThe StandoutSue MatsunagaThe Standout22HMFebSpecial Themes A Touch of Color
Sheri SparksYellow Popping OutSheri SparksYellow Popping Out22.3AWFebSpecial Themes A Touch of Color
Sue MatsunagaRadishesSue MatsunagaRadishes23.3BOSFebSpecial Themes A Touch of Color
Tim ElliottRover never did fit in!Tim ElliottRover never did fit in23.5AWMarCreative
Tom BrandtSomething DifferentTom BrandtSomething Different23AWMarCreative
Liz Rose FisherDazzling DuoLiz Rose FisherDazzling Duo25HMMarPortrait
Sue MatsunagaMiss MilaniaSue MatsunagaMiss Milania24.5HMMarPortrait
Tom BrandtOh My GoodnessTom BrandtOh My Goodness25HMMarPortrait
Liz Rose FisherValerieLiz Rose FisherValerie25AWMarPortrait
Liz Rose FisherThe Secret GardenLiz Rose FisherThe Secret Garden25.5AWMarPortraitEnd of Year AW
Tom BrandtI might have AttitudeTom BrandtI might have Attitude24.5AWMarPortrait
Sue MatsunagaSnug as a Bug in a RugSue MatsunagaSnug as a Bug in a Rug25.5BOSMarPortrait