Inter-Club Competition Honors 2023-2024

The Lake County Camera Club (LCCC) holds Competitions four months during our September to August Season.

And our club participates in the Chicago Area Camera Club (CACCA) Interclub competitions. This Gallery covers those competitions.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The honors are Best of Show (BOS), Award (AW), and Honorable Mention (HM)

Anthony RomaAre You Getting My Good Side?Anthony Roma Anthony Roma Did You Get My Good Sidesm monoOct25BOSA
Michael SchmittYellow SwallowtailNov24HM
Sue MatsunagaArchesSue Matsunaga Sue Matsunaga Arches 1sm monoOct24AWANov25Award
Kate ScottMountainside PatchworkKate Scott Mountainside Patchwork 1sm monoOct24HMB
Mike BurquistAloha Towersm monoOct24HMA
Bill SullivanIn Honor of the Saints of Volunteerslg monoNov24HM
Karolyn BerkielHumpback Whale Rising from the Ocean!lg monoOct26BOSANov24AwardBOS
Karolyn BerkielI've got My Eye on You!lg monoOct25HMA
Sue MatsunagaWindmills at DuskSue Matsunaga Sue Matsunaga Windmills at Dusk 1sm colorOct25AWA
Michael SchmittEagle with Shadsm colorOct25HMA
Michael SchmittMorph Reddish Egretsm colorOct23HMANov24HM
Kate ScottInquisitive KitsKate Scott Inquisitive Kits 1sm colorOct24BOSBNov25Award
Chris WashburnStrike A Posesm colorOct22HMB
Linda KruzicA Masterpiece of the BaroqueLinda Kruzic Masterpiece of the Baroquelg colorNov24HM
Linda KruzicThe Chapel of Louis XIVLinda Kruzic The Chapel of Louis XIVlg colorNov25Award
Bob KruzicA Bedchamber by CandlelightBob Kruzic A Bedchamber By Candlelightlg colorNov24Award
Bob KruzicRendezvousBob Kruzic The Rendezvouslg colorOct26BOSANov24HM
Bill SullivanIn Honor of the Saint of Outcastslg colorNov24HM
Kate ScottPortrait of an EgretKate Scott Profile of an Egret 1lg colorOct25AWBNov24Award
Karolyn BerkielGrizzly Poselg colorOct24HMANov25Award
Anthony RomaCrystal Ball Sunrise at Simmons IslandAnthony Roma Anthony Roma Crystal Ball Sunriselg colorOct23HMA
Michael TrahanMineMichael TrahanMine 1DPI monoOct24HMA
Tom BrandtA Path Less TraveledTom BrandtA Path Less Traveled 1DPI monoOct24BOSA
Tom BrandtAre We Done YetTom BrandtAre We Done Yet 1DPI monoOct24HMA
Gary EdwardsAll AloneGary EdwardsAll Alone 1DPI ColorOct25AWA
Michael TrahanContemplationMichael TrahanContemplation 1DPI ColorOct26BOSA
Michael TrahanThe Southern Milky Way
Michael TrahanThe Southern Milky Way 1

Milky Way from the Southern Hemisphere

DPI ColorOct25HMANov25Award
Sheri SparksFlowers Upon FlowersSheri SparksFlowers Upon Flowers 1DPI ColorOct24HMA
Tim ElliottParasolTim ElliottParasol 1DPI ColorOct24HMA
Greg KarpPenquins at PlayGreg KarpPenquins at play 1DPI ColorOct24AWBOct24.5HM
Kate ScottI'm TiredKate Scott Im Tired DPIDPI ColorOct23HMB
Liz Rose FisherGotchaLiz Rose FisherGotcha 1DPI ColorDec24.5BOSA
Liz Rose FisherCattle EgretLiz Rose FisherCattle EgretDPI ColorDec24.5HMA
Tom BrandtGraceful Balance on PomteTom BrandtGraceful Balance on PointeDPI ColorDec23.5HMA
Greg KarpSeal SnarlGreg KarpSeal SnarlDPI ColorBJan24AW
Greg KarpSitting Pretty - Cedar WaxwingGreg KarpSitting Pretty Cedar WaxwingDPI ColorDec23.5AWB
Carl StinemanBelly Up!Carl StinemanBelly UpDPI ColorDec23HMBJan23.5AW
Linda KruzicAltar After DarkLinda Kruzic Altar After DarkLg Color PrintDec25AWAFeb25HM
Karolyn BerkielSibling LoveLg Color PrintDec24.5BOSAFeb25HM
Bob KruzicGolden SentinelBob Kruzic Golden SentinelLg Color PrintDec24.5HMA
Mike KukulskiWrench in ReposeLg Color PrintDec24.5HMA
Karolyn BerkielOne foot in front of the otherLg Color PrintDec24AFeb25BOS
Tom BrandtEphemeral eleganceTom Brandt TAB01068 LargeMono12x18 Ephemeral EleganceLg Mono PrintDec23.5AFeb24HM
Bill SullivanConcavityLg Mono PrintDec24AFeb24HM
Karolyn BerkielThe Lookout!Lg Mono PrintDec25AWAFeb25AW
Mike KukulskiCanadian WACLg Mono PrintDec24HMA
Tim ElliottThe Glance!Tim ElliottThe GlanceDPI MomoDec23.5HMADec24HM
Sheri SparksTime Keeps SlippingSheri SparksTime Keeps SlippingDPI MomoDec23BOSA
Tom BrandtExpressive EnergyTom Brandt TAB01137 SmallColor11x14 Expressive EnergySm Color PrintDec24HMA
Mike BurquistBeautiful BasilicaSm Color PrintDec24AWAFeb24AW
Mike KukulskiYour Fish is WaitingSm Color PrintDec24BOSA
Liz Rose FisherGame of thronesLiz Rose Fisher LRF8626 lrf8626 upload Game of ThronesSm Color PrintDec23.5AFeb24HM
Liz Rose FisherSplash DanceLiz Rose Fisher LRF5681 Splash Dance LCCC honors gallerySm Color PrintDec24HMAFeb24AW
Kate ScottRed Fox GazeKate Scott Red Fox Gaze DPI for HonorsSm Color PrintDec24HMA
Sheri SparksThe LookSm Mono PrintDec24.5HMAFeb24HM
Sue MatsunagaChocolatier DumonSue Matsunaga Sue Matsunaga Chocolatier DumonSm Mono PrintDec23.5AFeb24HM
Mike BurquistManhattan Bridge and SkylineSm Mono PrintDec24AWA
Liz Rose FisherMorganLiz Rose FisherMorganDPI ColorFeb23.5HMA
Mike TrahanHiking in Dead Vlei
Michael TrahanHiking in Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei

DPI ColorFeb23.5HMA
Sue MatsunagaEyeing the MandevillaSue MatsunagaEyeing the MandevillaDPI ColorFeb23.5HMA
Carl StinemanOn the UpbeatCarl StinemanOn the UpbeatDPI ColorFeb24HM
Liz Rose FisherFeeding TimeLiz Rose FisherFeeding TimeDPI ColorFeb25AWA
Sue MatsunagaWindows Arches SpiresSue MatsunagaWindows Arches SpiresDPI ColorFeb25BOSAFeb24.5HM
Harold Hauserskyline at nightHarold Hauserskyline at nightDPI ColorFeb23
Kate ScottPink Flamingo PreenKate ScottPink Flamingo PreenDPI ColorFeb23.5AWB
Liz Rose FisherHappyLiz Rose FisherHappyDPI MonoFeb23.5HMA
Sue BaronThe JumperSue BaronThe JumperDPI MonoFeb23.5HMA
Tim ElliottGazingTim ElliottGazingDPI MonoFeb23.5BOSAFeb24AW
Karolyn BerkielSuccess!Large color printFeb25HMMarAW
Bob KruzicIn the Master's OfficeBob Kruzic In The Masters OfficeLarge color printMarBOS
Linda KruzicPillars of FaithLinda Kruzic Pillars of the FaithLarge color printMarHM
Bob KruzicAncient Scottish StrongholdBob Kruzic A Scottish Stronghold. jpgLarge color printFeb24BOS
Linda KruzicOn GuardLinda Kruzic On GuardSmall color printFeb24HMMar24HM
Sue MatsunagaPink Cloud Kisses HillSue Matsunaga Sue Matsunaga Pink Cloud Kisses HillSmall color printFeb24BOSMar24BOS
Sue MatsunagaAfter the HuntSue Matsunaga Sue Matsunaga After the HuntSmall mono printFeb24BOSMar24AW
Anthony RomaThe DevastatorSmall mono printFeb22.5HM
Kate ScottThe lookKate Scott The LookSmall color printFeb23.5AWMar24AW
Kate ScottA Walk of the TundraKate Scott A Walk on the TundraSmall color printFeb23.5HM
Liz Rose FisherBarred OwlSmall color printMar25AW
Liz Rose FisherBroad-Billed HummingbirdLiz Rose FisherBroad billed HummingbirdSmall color printMar24HM
Carl StinemanIndigo Bunting SingingSmall mono printMar23AW
Karolyn BerkielFour Eyes!Large color printApr26BOSMay24HM
Karolyn BerkielSitting Pretty!Large color printApr24HM
Karolyn BerkielMom and Cubs playing on the snowLg Mono PrintApr25HM
Tim ElliottAn easy catchTim ElliottAn easy catchDPI ColorApr24.5HM
Tim ElliottLovely stone churchTim ElliottLovely stone churchDPI MonoApr24.5BOS
Tim ElliottShe had me at first glanceTim ElliottShe had me at first glanceDPI MonoApr23.5HM
Sue MatsunagaDawn Charles bridgeSue Matsunaga Dawn Charles BridgeSmall color printApr24.5HM
Sue MatsunagaBehold the childSue Matsunaga Behold the ChildSmall mono printApr25.5AWMay24BOS
Liz Rose FisherGreen Heron FamilyLiz Rose FisherGreen Heron FamilyDPI ColorApr25BOSApr
Liz Rose FisherStorm of intensityLiz Rose FisherStorm of intensityDPI MonoApr23.5AWApr23.5AW
Liz Rose FisherSunrise SoloSmall color printApr25BOS
Liz Rose FisherShow me the NectarSmall color printApr24HMMay24AW
Michael SchmittOspreyLarge color printApr25AWMay25AW
Michael SchmittSnowy owl, determinationLg Mono PrintApr25HMMay24BOS
Kate ScottI've Got My Eye on YouKate ScottIve Got My Eye on YouDPI ColorApr22.5AW
Kate ScottFlower ThiefKate Scott Flower Thief DPISmall color printApr24AW
Bob Marx3 Together Alonebobmarx 3 Together AloneDPI MonoApr24AW
Kate ScottGiant PandaKate ScottGiant PandaDPI MonoApr23.5HM
Kate ScottAt home in the dunesKate Scott At Home in the DunesSmall color printApr22.5HM
Sheri SparksCovered in DewSheri SparksCovered in DewDPI MonoApr24HM
Bill SullivanHoly Josephat!Large color printApr24HMMay24AW
Bill SullivanHoly TrinityLg Mono PrintMay25BOS
Bill SullivanThe Last SupperLg Mono PrintMay24AW
Karolyn BerkielLittle Cub ClammingLg Mono PrintMay24AW
Sue MatsunagaBelfry of BrugesSmall mono printMay24HM