Featured Excursion Photos


The Lake County Camera Club (LCCC) was founded in the early 60s by dedicated photographic artists for the purpose of enjoyment of the skills and craft inherent in this endeavor. Through sharing of our avocation, friendships are made and strengthened that will endure forever. One of the goals of the LCCC is to have fun doing what is enjoyable in the spirit of friendly competition and sharing of knowledge. To this end, the club meetings are friendly and open, conducted in a casual atmosphere where everyone is welcome to participate as fully as they like. Our mission; is to promote, teach and share the ideas, skills, techniques, and good practices of the art of photography and the use of cameras and photographic equipment. The Lake County Camera Club currently meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Our season begins in September and continues through August.  Join Us

Note: Club meetings can be on Zoom and some months meetings will be in person .

We meet at Community Protestant Church 418 N Prairie Ave Mundelein IL    Zoom links are on the calendar Check our Calendar for the latest up-to-date information.

All Competitions are in person.     

Contact: LCCCADMN@Gmail.com